When choosing a masters programme at a foreign university there are a lot of questions to ask and not all answers can be found at the official pages. That is certainly true for our programme as well. But if you consider studying with us at our Master’s Programme of Archaeology Theory and Practice you can chat with current student Nell over at External Relations. Here’s the link to the interview with Nell and to the chat box to ask your questions. Thank you Nell for providing this service!
Läsa sommarkurs och behov av pedagogiskt stöd? Sök nu!
För de studenter som har rätt till pedagogiskt stöd och som tänker gå sommarkurser är det här en påminnelse om att se till att besluten kring pedagogiskt stöd är uppdaterade i god tid inför sommaren. Eftersom det är semestertider samtidigt är det bra att vara förberedd så att det inte uppstår några problem kring möjligheterna att få förlängd tid eller annan hjälp.
Forum Romanum, a workshop
The Department of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University organises a two-day workshop on The Forum Romanum – Architecture, space and politics, 12–13 May.
The great forum – Forum Romanum – was a locus of utmost distinction and centrality in the city of Rome. It constituted the religious, political, economic and administrative hub of the Roman realm for more than a millennium. This workshop aims to bring together a number of scholars who address various aspects of the Forum Romanum – archaeological, architectural, and historical – in order to further a cross-disciplinary discussion on a unique architectural and historical context.
All are welcome to attend. Please register through lovisa.brannstedt@klass.lu.se
The Forum Romanum – Architecture, space and politics
LUX building room B237
10.00–10.50 Coffee and registration
10.50–11.00 Welcome (Lovisa Brännstedt, Henrik Gerding & Nicolò Dell’Unto)
Session A – Recent work in the Roman Fora
11.00–11.30 The archaeology of the Forum Iulium. Results from the new Danish-Italian excavations, Rubina Raja, Aarhus University
11.30–12.00 Water disposal systems in the Forum valley, Valentina Roccella & Edoardo Santini
12.00–12.30 From archaeology to visualisation of the past. The Forum of Augustus, Daniele Ferdani, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute of Heritage Science
12.30–13.30 Lunch
Session B – The transformation and agency of space
13.30–14.00 The stratigraphy of the Roman Forum between biography and agency, Dunia Filippi, University of Cambridge
14.00–14.30 Shifting grounds. Revisiting the foundations of the Forum basilicas, Henrik Gerding & Nicolò Dell’Unto, Lund University
14.30–15.00 Control through construction. Managing opposition in the Roman Forum, Penelope Davies, Lund University/University of Texas at Austin
15.00–15.30 Coffee
Session C – Functions of state
16.30–17.00 Diplomatic space and the negotiation of the other in the Forum Romanum, Hanna Cornwell, University of Birmingham [Video link]
17.00–17.30 Ancient perceptions of architectural space and decoration on the Anaglypha Fori, Francesco de Angelis, Columbia University
17.30–18.00 The courtroom in the virtual world: The Centumviri in the Basilica Iulia, Leanne Bablitz, University of British Columbia [Video link]
Session D – Performance in the Forum
9.00–9.30 Comitium: ekklesiasterion or temple? Understanding space and performance in the middle and late Republican forum, Amy Russell, Brown University
9.30–10.00 The forum, the contiones – and the problems with the acoustics, Susanne Muth, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
10.00–10.30 The other rostra: Lauding the dead from the temple of the deified Julius Caesar, Ida Östenberg, University of Gothenburg
10.30–11.00 Break
Session E – Gendering the Forum
11.00–11.30 Decedam ego illi. Matronal mobility privileges in Republican Rome, Lewis Webb, University of Oxford
11.30–12.00 The temple of Diva Faustina. Gender and Rome’s Imperial mother in the Forum Romanum, Margaret Woodhull, University of Colorado
12.00–12.30 Over her dead body. Female resistance in the Curia Julia, Lovisa Brännstedt, Lund University
12.30–13.30 Lunch
Session F – Identity and diversity
13.30–14.00 Creative action and embodied presence in the Roman Forum, John Hopkins, New York University
14.00 –14.30 The Forum as instituting imaginary for Roman diversity, Nandini Pandey, The Johns Hopkins University
14.30 –15.00 Discussion and summing-up
Navigating the Swedish job market
Are you looking for a job in Sweden and want to know what to expect? Do you want some input in how to write a CV and a coverletter to a Swedish employer? Here is a seminar for you. Register at the page for the seminar Wednesday May 4th.
PhD position on Hellenistic-Roman Cyprus in Copenhagen
An opportunity for all our alumni of classical archaeology and ancient history – a position has opened up in Copenhagen. Below is the project description, for the rest of the information as well as the form for application follow this link. Deadline May 15th.
Good luck!
Project description
The overall goal of the LAF project is to explain the complex human and environmental impacts of large-scale copper production during the foreign control of Cyprus under the Roman Empire from the 1st century BC to the 7th century AD. The project studies how the choices that supported copper production affected the landscape and living conditions and their sustainability. An in-depth study of food supply, agriculture, mining and forestry, imported goods and colonial relations will further reveal life at the furnace and place Cyprus within the economic network of the Roman Empire.
Forensic-archaeological conference at LUX
The department are hosts for a day-long conference next week and you are invited!
On Tuesday 26th of April, the Swedish Forensic-Archaeological Network (https://www.forark.lu.se/), in collaboration with UAS@LU (https://uav.lu.se/), organize a conference focused on using advanced investigation methods to support forensic studies.
The event will take place at LUX, room C126, you will find a program below. Participation is free.
● 09:45: KAFFE /COFFEE
● 10:15: Medlemsmöte /member meeting.
● 10:45: Anja Petaros (Rättsmedicinalverket): The implementation of
forensic anthropology in forensic medicine practice.
● 11:00: Anja Petaros & Clara Alfsdotter: Human decomposition in
Sweden, results from a retrospective regional study.
● 11:15: Clara Alfsdotter (Bohusläns museum /The Forensic Anthropology
Center, Texas State University): Burned human remains: a project in the
making addressing field and laboratory considerations.
● 11:30: Questions/discussion.
● 11:40: Jesper Olsson (Nationellt forensisk centrum): Documentation in
multiple dimensions: remote sensing, UAS, laser scanning and
● 12:00: LUNCH
● 13:00: Nicolo Dell’Unto (Lund University): An introduction to the UAV
project at Lund University.
● 13:05: Rohith Maben (School of Aviation, Lund University): Supporting
Research Using Unmanned Aerial Systems: the experience of the UAS
● 13:30: Melda Kucukdemirci & Giagomo Landeschi (Lund University):
Remote sensing and geophysics for forensic archaeology.
● 13:50: Paola Derudas (Lund University): Structuring Spatial Data: 3D
Visualization Platforms for Re-examining Archaeological Evidence.
● 14:15: Panelsamtal /round table, moderated by Nicolo Dell’Unto
● 14:45: FIKA
● 15:10: Alison Gerber (Lund University): Show & Tell: New kinds of
images as evidence.
● 15:30: Martijn van Praagh (Lund University) Environmental forensics
and environmental crime – a new course for professionals at LU.
● 15:50 – 16:00: Avslutning/Concluding comments.
LAR call for papers (även på svenska)
Academic work is, as the saying goes, a lot about publishing your work and it’s never too early to start out on that endeavour. Here’s a call for papers for LAR – Lund Archaeological Review that accept Swedish submissions as well as in English.
So go over and check out what they have published before, read the submissions guidelines and send something to them. Make the famous saying into ”publish and flourish” instead!
Good luck!
Volume 26–27 of Lund Archaeological Review (LAR), 2020-2021 has recently been published and we are now accepting suggestions for articles for the coming volumes.
LAR is a peer-reviewed periodical, which is published by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University, Sweden. LAR is international-ly ranked as a publication with significant visibility and influence in various re-search domains in different countries (European Science Foundation, 2007). It is ranked as a journal on level 1 by the Nordic list (2017). We offer an interdisciplinary forum and welcome contributions within the fields of archaeology, historical archaeology, historical osteology, classical archaeology and ancient history. All articles are made available in Open Access online, with no embargo. More information about LAR, instructions for authors and how to submit can be found here https://journals.lub.lu.se/lar
If you have a suggestion for an article for LAR, please submit a one-page de-scription (in English or in Swedish) of the contents to the e-mail address below. Submissions can be made continuously during the year. If your article suggestion is accepted you will be expected to submit the article, in English and ac-companied by illustrations, before the end of May. Articles will then be submit-ted to peer-review.
The editorial committee consists of Dr Martin Hansson and Dr Fredrik Ekengren.
Please send your article suggestion to LAR@ark.lu.se
Ansökningen stänger idag! // Admissions close today!
Idag är sista dagen att ansöka inför hösten och ifall du redan har ansökt är idag sista dagen att ändra prioriteringsordningen på dina kurser. Även om vi öppnar våra kurser för sen anmälan är det alltid de som ansökt i tid som rangordnas först inför platstilldelningen, så det är värt att se till att ansökan kommer in.
Jag finns tillgänglig på telefon och mail till kl 15 idag.
Lycka till!
Admissions for the national admission round close today. For our master programme students this means that your choice of courses for the autumn semester need to be submitted today so you get to exercise your right to choose first.
For students at master level outside the programme this is a reminder to add backup courses in case your first choice at ours don’t work out.
I’m available by phone or email until 3 o’clock if you run into problems.
Good luck!
LUX stängt under påsk // LUX will close over Easter
LUX öppettider under påsken
14 april: kl 7.30–14.00.
15–18 april: stängt.
Huset helt stängt även för HT-studenter och studenter vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier under påskhelgen (15–18 april).
De inre korridorerna stänger kl 12 den 14 april.
LUX: Opening hours during Easter
April 14: 7:30 am – 2:00 pm.
April 15–18: closed.
The building is closed for HT-students and for Department of Communication and Media students during Easter (April 15–18).
The inner corridors close at noon April 14.
Kurs i projektledning för humanister
Häromdagen tipsade jag om en praktikkurs som är fakultetsövergripande och som går varje termin. Det finns andra kurser som är fakultetsövergripande men som inte går lika ofta. En av dessa, som dessutom haft uppehåll på grund av att pandemin gjort den omöjlig att genomföra, är Kulturadministration – projektledning och entreprenörskap för humanister. Kursen är på 15 hp, går heltid över första halvan av terminen och kräver 60 hp av humanistiska studier i förkunskaper. För de som funderar på att använda sin utbildning i kulturmiljösektorn är det här en utmärkt kurs att ha i examen.