Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Sommarstudier i Grekland

Det är svårt att tänka på sommaren såhär års, men vi har fått ett mail från Greek Studies on Site om deras sommarkurser i Grekland och plötsligt kändes solen och värmen inte så främmande. De samarbetar med norska Institutet i Athen. Alla kurserna besöker de viktiga platserna i Athen utöver det som är specifikt för den specifika kursen. Här är den korta beskrivningen av varje, kursplaner och annat hittar ni på deras hemsida.


 The Good Life
Athens and Poros Island, June 7-21, 2019
Instructor: Stacie Thyrion, Ph.D.

What kind of thing is it to be a good person? What sort of obligations do we have to other people? What is it that makes a life good or worth living?
In this seminar we will consider how these and similar questions have been answered by philosophers throughout history, from the ancient Greeks to present-day moral philosophers.

 Ancient Greek Mythology
Athens, July 1-21, 2019
Instructor: Ben Jasnow, Ph.D.

This class surveys the central stories, gods and heroes of Greek myth. We will study a variety of ancient literary and mythographical stories and interpret them in their cultural context. Many of the readings relate directly to the sites that we will visit.

Ancient Greek Philosophy in Context
Athens, July 1-21, 2019
Instructor: Georgia Sermamoglou, Ph.D.

This course introduces students to the foundational texts of Western philosophy and to the socio-political contexts in which they were written. Through visits to archaeological sites and museums, students will have the rare opportunity to take a contextual approach to the study of philosophy.

Syllabi and further details may be found at

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3 december, 2018

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