The Department of archaeology, conservation and history at the university of Oslo have an opening for a PhD position:
”The position is associated with the research group MATERIALITIES. The research group encompasses great breadth in terms of temporal depth and stretches from early pre-history to present times. The empirical perspective is, however, what brings members together in exploring the materialities of pasts and presents and different aspects of engaging with and thinking through material culture.”
In what subject you ask? Thats a really interesting thing about this listing, it’s a very open call!
Applicants should propose a research project relevant for the research group, within the scopes of Nordic Prehistory, Mediterranean Archaeology (Iron Age to Roman Republic), Africanist archaeology, or Contemporary Archaeology and Heritage Studies. Within this temporal and geographical breath, studies of past and present materiality and material culture is the group’s chief focus, where central research topics include social organization and change, migration, human eco-dynamics in past and present, technology and systems of knowledge, religion and ritual practices, identity, and the uses and politics of the past.
The project description must be theoretically and methodologically sophisticated, clarifying the conceptual frameworks and methods employed. It is an advantage (though not a requirement) that the proposed project is interdisciplinary in scope and approach (e.g., towards the natural sciences, ecology, geography, technology, museology or anthropology).
So get your subject together and apply before the 16th of May at this link.