Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Knut + the Department = fika!

This Tuseday (tomorrow!) our student society Knut hosts a Department fika in C212 (Lynnéum) here at LUX at 15.30, and everyone is welcome! 

This is a good opportunity to meet and talk to students from all levels, department staff and affiliated researchers, and other Knut members. If you want to keep up to date on all coming events you can easily become a member of the society, student or not. They host lectures, movie nights, outings, game nights, pub crawls, kick-off and kick-out for the semester among other things. Membership is a well invested 50 SEK, and if you’re a student that covers coffee in the Knut room as well as all the other things!

6 februari, 2023

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ALL students of the department