Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Knut + Greer Jarrett = PhD lecture!

In collaboration with the students’ organization KNUT, the PhD students at the department give informal presentations of their research. The presentations are held once a month, in the afternoon, and anyone are welcome to join. We hope that this presents an opportunity for students, junior and senior staff at the department to meet in an informal way. The next presentation will be held on Wednesday, December 6:

Greer Jarrett, Archaeology

Mapping without maps: examining the evidence for Viking Age maritime mental geographies

Jarrett’s research focuses on experimental and experiential studies of Viking Age seafaring, and aims to create alternative ways of representing and disseminating experiential data via critical cartography. In this presentation he will highlight how the historical and archaeological sources can be combined and compared with his practical experience from seafaring.

When? Wednesday 6th of December, 16:15 – ca 17:00
LUX C214

We hope to see many of you there!

/Sara Williamsson & Elna Arvidsson (KNUT)

6 december, 2023

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ALL students of the department