Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Forskningsseminarier i antikens kultur och samhällsliv // Research seminars in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

Forskarseminarierna är en chans för studenter, personal och (förstås) forskare i ämnena att följa med i var forskningen är på väg, vad som är nytt eller stort och det är också en insikt i hur ämnets diskurs förs. Det är aldrig för tidigt i studierna att börja gå på dem! Somliga ämnen har ett i veckan, eller ett varannan vecka, somliga ämnen gör hela seminariedagar för dem. 


Sitting in on research seminars is a good way to gain knowlege of the departments own researchers, PhD students, or teachers latest work, but also a chans to take part in the discussions within the field of choice. It is never too early to start attending, you do not need to be a researcher or academic to be there! Some subject have monthly or bi-weekly meetings and some have full days of seminars. 

Seminars will be held in English and take place at 15.15–17.00 in room A126, unless otherwise stated.

Wednesday 6 September Research proposal seminar: Olivia Peukert Stock, LU, Objects and Bodies in Latin Oaths of Ancient Rome: Material Approaches to Roman Oath-Taking. Joint seminar with the division of Latin.

Wednesday 13 September Research seminar: Susanne Berndt Ersöz, LU, Wall paintings from Gordion. Work in progress.

Thursday 21 September – B129 Research seminar: Anna Tornberg, LU, The people of ancient Hermione. The Necropolis in the light of bioarchaeology. Joint seminar with the division of Historical osteology.

Monday 25 September – B237 Research seminar: Stella Chrysolakis, Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands, Burial customs in archaic Athens: The Phaleron Delta cemetery, Attica. Joint seminar with the division of Historical osteology.

Wednesday 4 October Pre-excursion seminar: The archaeological sites of Western Greece. Everyone is welcome, even if you are not joining the excursion. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History

Wednesday 11 October – A:127 Pre-excursion seminar: The archaeological sites of Western Greece. Everyone is welcome, even if you are not joining the excursion.

Wednesday 1 November tba

Wednesday 8 November Research seminar: Maria Moreno Escobar, LU, Title tba.

November 16 – 17 National conference in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund. For details, see separate program.

Wednesday 29 November Research seminar: Hannah Mitchell, GU, Title tba.

Wednesday 7 December Research seminar: Peder Flemestad, LU, SQLU: SQueezes of Lund University. Joint seminar with the divisions of Greek and Latin.

Wednesday 13 December tba

Wednesday 20 December Literature seminar: Discussion on recent literature.

5 september, 2023

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