Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Forskarseminarier i historisk osteology // Research seminars in Historical Osteology

Forskarseminarierna är en chans för studenter, personal och (förstås) forskare i ämnena att följa med i var forskningen är på väg, vad som är nytt eller stort och det är också en insikt i hur ämnets diskurs förs. Det är aldrig för tidigt i studierna att börja gå på dem! Somliga ämnen har ett i veckan, eller ett varannan vecka, somliga ämnen gör hela seminariedagar för dem. 


Sitting in on research seminars is a good way to gain knowlege of the departments own researchers, PhD students, or teachers latest work, but also a chans to take part in the discussions within the field of choice. It is never too early to start attending, you do not need to be a researcher or academic to be there! Some subject have monthly or bi-weekly meetings and some have full days of seminars.


7 September at 15.15-17, LUX B129 (Together with Archaeology)
Shinya Shoda, Head, International Cooperation Section, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural
Properties, JAPAN, Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK.
Scoping the Foodways in Prehistoric East Asia Using Biomolecular Techniques.

21 September at 15.15-17, LUX B129 (Together with Classical archaeology and Ancient history)
Anna Tornberg, Department of archaeology and ancient history, Lund University.
The people of ancient Hermione. The Necropolis in the light of bioarchaeology.

25 September at 15.15-17, LUX B237 (Together with Classical archaeology and Ancient history) –
NB! This seminar takes place on a Monday.
Stella Chrysolakis, Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands.
Burial customs in archaic Athens: The Phaleron Delta cemetery, Attica.

5 October at 15.15-17, LUX B129
Adam Boethius, Department of archaeology and ancient history, Lund University.
Mobility among the Pitted Ware Culture island foragers of Jettböle, Åland.

19 October at 15.15-17, LUX C214
Literature seminar. Texts to be circulated prior to the seminar.

16 November at 15.15-17, LUX B129
Daniel Forsberg, Sydsvensk arkeologi.
Cremation burials in Fjälkinge – Preliminary results from micro-stratigraphic excavation with 3D-CT.

30 November at 15.15-17, LUX B129
Blair Nolan, Department of archaeology and ancient history, Lund University.
Mid seminar/mittseminarium

14 December at 15.15-17, LUX B336
Mikael Fauvelle, Department of archaeology and ancient history, Lund University (co-authored with
Andrew Somerville, Iowa State University).
Diet, Status, and Social Inequality among Fisher-Foragers: Stable Isotope Data from Three Sites in
southern California

5 september, 2023

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