Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Doktorandtjänst i Norge //PhD in Norway

It’s always exciting when a new PhD position opens up. Here is one in Oslo! They accept documentation of previous studies in all Scandinavian languages or in English. Read on for further details!

A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Archaeology is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.

The position is part of HEI: Heritage Experience Initiative.

The proposed project should be located within archaeology and critical heritage studies and be relevant to ongoing research at the Department. Here, central research topics include the contemporary role of cultural/natural heritage; archaeology and memory studies; heritage and new materialism; heritage-ethics; and heritage and sustainability in the Anthropocene. The project description should explain the selection of both the methodology and the theoretical/conceptual framework to be used. The candidate will be based in Oslo.

One of the requirements is a finished Master degree at the time of application and deadline is 1 March. So this is an opportunity for any of our alumni. The rest of the requirements, what they expect to see in a proposal and how to apply using their online application form is specified here. 

Good luck!

27 januari, 2021

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