Universitetet i Berlin har utlyst en plats för doktorandstudier inom landskapsarkeologi som är öppen för alla former av arkeologer och antikare (även egyptologer!), så om du är en av våra alumnistudenter och är sugen på att fortsätta den akademiska banan, se hit!
There’s an opening for one position as a doctoral student at the University of Berlin in Landscape Archaeology and Architecture. The call is for all kinds of archaeologists and masters of antiquity (even egypthologists!). If you are one of our alumni and want to continue to do research – look here!
Doctoral Program “Landscape Archaeology and Architecture” Advertisement of one Scholarship for Doctoral Studies (2021-2025)
The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering onedoctoral scholarships to research and complete a doctorate in the “Landscape Archaeology and Architecture” (LAA) program. We welcome applications from highly qualified graduates from the fields of Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Egyptology and Northeast African Archaeology, or Geoscience with a focus on Landscape Archaeology. Candidates must hold an outstanding Master’s degree (M.A., MSt, MSc) in one of theaforementioned subjects or be very close to completion. The scholarship is available from October 2021 for four years(subject to a satisfactory annual progress review). The call is open only to applicants who are not German citizens, andwho have not resided in Germany continuously for longer than 12 months as of the application deadline. Their last final exam (Master’s Degree) should have taken place no longer than 6 years (72 months) ago.
The “Landscape Archaeology and Architecture” program covers various PhD projects. The main focus is not on the archeology of particular spaces but on the spectrum of methods and research strategies applied in the study of landscape archaeology and architectural history. We encourage candidates whose PhD projects would fit within this broad framework to submit their applications. We will welcome in particular projects dealing with the interconnection of landscape and economy but we are also open for projects focussing on cultural anthropology and social archaeology.
In accordance with DAAD guidelines, doctoral scholarship holders receive a basic monthly stipend of 1,200 Euros, a travelallowance, a combined health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study and research (and, whereapplicable, rent and family allowances) as well as financial support for a pre-sessional German language course.
The application procedure takes place in two stages.
1) Candidates submit their applications, including the documents mentioned below, by 30 April, 2021, 12 noon CEWT to application@berliner-antike-kolleg.org. Short-listed candidates are invited for an online interview within two months of the application deadline. If you have been selected by BerGSAS you will be required to upload your application to the DAAD submission system.
2) BerGSAS will prepare a shortlist while DAAD is going to make the final choice. Please note that admission tostudies and receipt of a scholarship will related to assessments by both the hosting university and DAAD.
Please submit:
- acover letter that explains your motivation for applying to the doctoral program
- aresearch proposal (ca. 5 pages)
- awork plan and schedule for four years
- an application form (download here: http://www.berliner-antike-kolleg.org/bergsas/application)
- acurriculum vitae (CV, resume)
- two letters of recommendation by two university professors from your home university. Please use the ‘DAADletter of recommendation form’ (template available herehttp:///www.daad.de/imperia/md/content/de/foerderung/recommendation.pdf)
- awriting sample (15-20 pages)
- copies of certificates and copies oftranslated documents (they don’t have to be certified):
o copies of certificates of annual examinations taken at the home university
o copies of certificates of any academic degrees or advanced qualifications indicating grades and explaining the home university’s grading system
o copies of documents certifying knowledge of English Language, e.g. IELTS, TOEFL
Please send your application documents with the reference number 2021-01-D by 30 April, 2021, 12 noon Central European Winter Time to application@berliner-antike-kolleg.org The Admissions and Grants committee will not consider incomplete or late applications.
For further inquiries please contact the LAA Coordinator: Dr. Regina Attula, regina.attula@berliner-antike-kolleg.org