Blandad information för studenter på Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia vid Lunds universitet

Archaeology on a World War II Bomber

Imorgon håller institutionens egen dr Brendan Foley en föreläsning med filmvisning kring en av hans mer uppmärksammade arkeologiska insatser. Det är ett öppet seminarium och alltså öppet för alla. Missa inte.

Welcome to an open seminar on Thursday, October 3 at 15.15-17.00 in B251 at LUX!

A battle-damaged American B-24 bomber crashes into the Adriatic sea in December 1944. Seven men survive, rescued by Yugoslavian partisans on the island of Vis, but the impact killed three crewmen. In 2017, the U.S. Defense Department contracted a team led by Lund University to find the remains of these three airmen. An international documentary film team followed all of the action. Archaeology at 41 m depth delivered the ultimate result: recovery of pilot Lt. Eugene Ford, and burial with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

Dr. Brendan Foley, maritime archaeologist, will describe the project and show segments of the documentary film, ”The Last B-24”


2 oktober, 2019

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