Förutom våra egna forskarseminarier och besökande föredragshållare i olika sammanhang (som ni alltid hittar i kalendariet på hemsidan) så finns det andra föredrag och seminarieserier att hålla koll på. Att gå på så många av dessa som möjligt är extra viktigt för masterstudenter på väg ut i arbetslivet, men är också nyttigt för de som funderar över framtida uppsatser och var utbildningen ska ta vägen. Ta chansen att se vad andra gör av sina arbetsvägar. Seminarierna är inklippta nedan från mängder av olika källor, därav de olika formaten, och om titeln är på engelska är troligen hela seminariet det med.
Besides our own research seminars in the different areas, and the visiting dignitaries, that you can find in our calendar at our home page, there’s also seminar series outside of our Department to keep an eye on. Attending as many of the available seminars as possible is extra important for our master students who’ll soon be entering the professional world, but it’s also relevant for any student considering where their studies could take them or what to write a thesis in. Below you’ll find information on several different seminars from different sources so the format will vary, but if the title is in English the rest of the seminar probably will be too.
On Thursday, 14th September, 13.15-14.15 Anjali Goswami from the Natural History Museum London will give a talk ”From Development to Deep Time: Reconstructing the Evolution of Diversity with a Phenomic Approach” in the Blue Hall at the Ecology building.
Thursday 14th September (15.30 – 17.00) Speaker: Dr. Shumon T. Hussain (Assistant Professor) from Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark will give a talk on ‘Living with Ravens, Whales and Beavers: Multispecies Archaeology in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Northern Eurasia’ in room: LUX B339. You can also join as a webinar participant: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62669727775
Thursday, sept 21st at 3 pm Prof. Dorian Fuller from UCL will give a lecture entitled ”Frontiers of archaeobotany: Quantitative and Qualitative advances in the archaeobotanical study of domestication and ancient plant foods through time series data, x-ray tomography and the microstructures of food preparation”. Please note that this talk will take place in the LINXS building (in the Ideon Science Park, about a 15 minute walk from LUX). There will be a mingle on the LINXS rooftop after the talk followed by an afterwork. Prof. Fuller is the first scholar to be invited to Lund as part of our new LINXS theme in Heritage Science. This is an opportunity to hear from one of the world’s top experts in plant domestication and the origins of agriculture.
Please register using the link below, which also has more information on the talk.