This is just to give a heads up, it’s All Saints Day and All Souls Day (Allhelgonahelgen) this Saturday-Sunday and that’s a public holiday. So it’s what we call red days. Buses will go according to Sunday schedule most of the time, and shops will keep Sunday hours. It also means that this Friday, November 2, is treated as a Saturday (a ”half-day”).
For students this means that LUX will keep other hours than usual this weekend.
Friday 2/11 LUX is open 7:30-14:00, and the inner corridors will close at 12:00. Saturday 3/11 is closed.
For those who thought to spend the weekend studying, be sure to bring your books home in good time. And for those who want to celebrate Allhelgona the Swedish way, take a walk around a graveyard after dark. This is the time to light candles on your loved ones’ graves, and it’s beautiful and solemn.
Then hang out with friends, eat and drink well, and celebrate the living.